The name of the organization shall be “Mariposa Utah Neighborhood Association” also referred to as “MUNA” in this document.
The purposes for which the MUNA is organized are:
a) To be a neighborhood association that will enhance the quality of life of the neighborhood community by establishing an open line of communication between the neighborhood, government agencies, and other neighborhoods.
b) To provide a system/process through which neighborhood projects can be accomplished.
c) To foster neighborhood safety by utilizing SAFE and NERT resources.
Boundaries of MUNA shall be defined as:
· 2400 block of 18th Street
· 400-500 blocks of Utah Street
· 2300-2200 blocks of Mariposa Street
· 400 Block of San Bruno Avenue
Section 1 Qualifications: Membership in MUNA shall be open to all who live or work within the boundaries as defined in ARTICLE III of these bylaws.
Section 2 Voting: All members as defined above shall have one vote each to be cast during attendance at any general meeting. One representative from each business shall have the same privilege as the residents listed above. Decisions of MUNA shall be made by a simple majority vote of those members present at any meeting.
Charging of dues or membership fees shall not be made; however, voluntary contributions will be accepted. Fund raising may be authorized by the membership.
Section 1 General Membership Meetings:There shall be at least one membership meeting each year. Notification shall be by one or more of the following: email, mail, phone or any other appropriate means of communication apt to reach a majority of the members.
Section 2 Agenda:The Chairperson shall prepare the agenda for general meetings. Agenda will be sent to the membership before the meeting. Any member may add to the agenda during the meeting at the discretion of the chairperson.
Section 3 Quorum: A quorum for any general meeting of the MUNA is eleven (11) members.
Section 4 Procedures: Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed in all areas not covered by the bylaws. For more information on Robert’s Rules and parliamentary procedure see .
Section 1 Executive Committee Roles: The executive committee shall consist of the following roles:
Co-Chair for Emergency Preparedness
Committee Chairs (Park, Bridge, U-Verse)
Section 2 Terms of Office: Terms of office are for one year.
Section 3 Election of Executive Committee: Elections for those members whose term is expiring, shall be held annually by a vote of the membership in July. Election requires a simple majority of members present.
Section 4 Duties of Executive Committee:The Executive committee shall have following responsibilities and powers: a. Manage the daily affairs of MUNA.
b. Make decisions and represent the interests of MUNA on all matters for which it is impractical to present to the membership in advance. All such actions shall be reported to the membership at the next regular meeting.
c. Appoint committees to perform necessary functions and represent MUNA on specified topics.
d. Establish a yearly work plan of priority issues and projects for maintaining and encouraging involvement in MUNA.
Section 5 Duties of Executive Committee Officers:
a. Chair: The Chair shall preside at all executive committee meetings and all membership meetings and shall perform such duties as the executive committee and the membership from time to time authorizes.
b. Co-Chair: The co-chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence and as authorized by the bylaws or regulations of the executive committee.
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of Membership and executive meetings, assist the Chair with correspondence and maintain the non-financial files of the MUNA. The Secretary will maintain a list of executive committee members and their terms.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds belonging to the MUNA and shall receive, deposit and disburse funds for the MUNA in a bank(s) or financial institution(s) in such manner as designated by the executive committee. The Treasurer shall make financial reports as directed by the executive committee.
Section 6 Executive Committee Meetings:
a. Regular Executive Committee Meetings: There shall be a minimum of two
(2) regular executive committee meetings each year. The meetings shall be convened upon any day decided upon by the majority vote of the executive committee. Notification shall be by email or any other appropriate means of communication apt to reach a majority of the members.
b. Emergency Executive committee Meetings: Special meetings of the executive committee may be called by the Chairperson or by majority vote of the Executive committee as deemed necessary. Notification shall be by email or any appropriate means of communication apt to reach a majority of the members.
Quorum: A quorum for executive committee meetings of the MUNA is 50% of the
total number of executive committee members plus one. For example, if there are eight or nine total executive committee members, five are required for a quorum.
Voting: Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, decisions of the executive committee shall be made by a majority vote of those executive committee members present at any meeting. Votes may also be made by a majority of the total number of executive committee members in writing (email or otherwise). All votes made in this manner, shall be posted to the MUNA forum or an appropriate electronic means of communication at least seven (7) days prior to the vote.
Section 7 Powers of the Committee: The Committee shall be responsible for all business coming before the MUNA and for assuring that members are informed of business that affects them through reasonable means of notification. The executive committee has the responsibility of acting in the best interest of the neighborhood but is not specifically bound to act according to the desire of the majority of members attending a particular meeting.
There may be standing committees formed as needed as designated by the membership. Committees must have at least one (1) Committee member on them.
Section 2 Committees:
The Fallen Bridge mini-park committee shall be a continuing committee, as it was established in 2004 to set up neighborhood work-parties to assist San Francisco Rec and Park with the care and upgrading of trhe mini-park.
Potrero Gateway Park Steering Committee is a continuing committee established in 2014 to pland and improve the Caltrans area between Can Bruno and Vermont / 17th and Mariposa, See
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