480 Potrero – 6 Story Building
Materials for October 23 Board of Appeals Meeting
MUNA Brief: 2011.0430XE MUNA Appeal
Materials for the October 8 Meeting with the Board of Supervisors at 3:00 Room 250 City Hall
MUNA Brief: 2011.0430E MUNA BOS Appeal
Lawyer Brief: 480 Potrero – Brief In Opposition to CEQA Appeal 09-27-13
Planning Brief: 480 Potrero BOS Appeal Response
Appeal to Board of Supervisors of the Mitigated Negative Declaration:
Submitted by Mica: Mica 480 – Statement of Appeal – BOS Submitted by MUNA: Signed MUNA Appeal Letter
Appeal to Board of Appeals of the Large Project Approval:
Submitted by Mica: MICA LPA Appeal Submitted by MUNA: MUNA LPA AppealThe hearing at the Board of Appeals for the LPA is scheduled for 5pm October 23.
Presentation to the SF Planning Commission July 18
At 12noon July 18, Jean and Dean were at the planning commission meeting to ask for a continuance because Juan was not able to be present. We had to wait until case 2011.0439E was on the agenda in order to make that request. This case was number 12a on the agenda. Sometime after 6:30, 12a and 12b were called simultaneously. Ten neighbors representing MUNA each took a section of the presentation: Presentation5 and spoke for 2-3 minutes. Following other comments, the commissioners discussed the project. Commissioner Sugaya was very concerned because the Verdi Club has been identified as a Historical Resource and it was not addressed in the Neg Dec. Commissioner Moore was concerned about the way the proposed building’s architecture would fit in with the Verdi Club. When the vote was called Commissioner Sugaya said “stay” and the consideration of the 480 Potrero project is now postponed until the August 8, 2013 Commission meeting.
Parking Maximum for UMU units:
Juan’s Letter to Planning: Juan Martin Jayofinal letter7 17 13
Preliminary Presentation Set for July 18 Planning Commission:
Don Lewis reply to MUNA-Verdi Appeal
Don Lewis recommends that the Planning commission ignore our appeal and accept the Neg Dec. Here are his responses to our concerns: 2011.0430E_480 Potrero Ave_Appeal of PMND
Sent to Commissioners on 7/8/2013
Each commissioner (there are 7) got copies of all signed appeal letters (160) as well as:
A letter explaining what is in the packet:Antonini Example
A letter from Juan adding items to the appeal: AdditionsToAppeal
A powerpoint of points made at the May 1 meeting with Malia Cohen: Muna-Verdi Presentation
480 Potrero project is now on the June 18 Agenda.
Most Recent Plans: 480 Potrero Ave-04.09.2013-compressed
May 1 Meeting Presentations:
Eastern Neighborhood Roadshow Slideshow_MUNA 05.03.13
Comments and Questions from Question Cards at Meeting: Comments
Community Meeting May 1 Flyer: MAY 1 Meeting FLYER
Letter stating when the appeal of the Neg Dec will be presented to the planning commission: 480 Potrero Appeal Notice
Letter sent by MUNA and Verdi to appeal Neg Dec: Letter Appealing Neg Dec 2011.0430E
Meetings Held by Community:
Presentation for 2/13 Meeting at Verdi Club (6pm): 480 Potrero
1-26-13 Notes from meeting with Ron Miguel: Notes from Meeting with Ron Miguel
1-10-13 Minutes from Meeting with Supervisor Malia Cohen: Meeting Minutes
11-20-12 Notes from Meeting with Ben Fu: Notes
10-10-12 Meeting Minutes
10-5-12 Meeting Minutes
Documents submitted to or by planners:
Application for Large Project Authorization: LargeProjectApp
Environmental Review (Neg Dec): 480 Potrero CEQA Documents
Preliminary Project Assessment: 2011.0430U
Docunents submitted by developer:
Original Plan: 480 Potrero Ave-8.11.2011
Planning Commission Approved Plan for Potrero Hill:
Showplace Square/Potrero Hill Plan 2009: Area Plan
626 Potrero Avenue
Pre-Application Meeting – July 12, 2012
The SF Building code required a pre-Application meeting when the use of a building is going to change. That meeting was held July 12 at 626 Potrero. The proposal is to open a Dialysis Clinic in the building. This clinic will be part of the RAI Dialysis centers. These centers are all over the US, with three already in San Francisco. The plan updates the building interior, adds trees on the Potrero and 18th Street sides of the building as well as in the parking lot and replaces the chain link fence with a metal fence similar to the one at SF General. I have a paper copy of the plan and scanned in some of the drawings. My scanner does not scan 11×17, so this is partial.
Partial Drawing of 626 Potrero